
May Geek Dinner Wed. the 23rd 5:30-9pm Featuring a First Look at BatchBlue’s BatchBook

Posted by Jack

Photo Credit: Bret A. Ancowitz, M.D. of Garris Photography

Wednesday, May 23, 2007, 5:30pm – 9pm+
115 Empire Street, Providence, RI

At next week’s Geek Dinner, find out how a local entrepreneur assembled a team of 4 ex-Amazonians in the “Biggest Little” to launch a new Ruby on Rails customizable contact organizer for micro-businesses (you know, the tech startup, the freelance consultant, the local florist or bakery…).

Pamela O’Hara, President of Barrington-based BatchBlue Software, and Sean Ransom, VP of Technology and former Amazonian, will talk about how the team got together and used their well-honed usability intelligence to create a database for the masses called BatchBook.

Get a sneak peek of the app as they prepare to go to beta. They’ll
be taking questions and answers after the presentation.

Please RSVP in the comments section of this post so that we can give the good folks at AS220 an estimated headcount. And while you’re at it, subscribe to Providence Geeks’ RSS feed (see sidebar) and/or join our very-low-volume email announcement list (for the announcement list, send an email to Jack Templin, jtemplin over at Gmail with your name and affiliation).

As always, for first-timers here are the details on the Geek Dinners:

  • It’s totally casual. Wear whatever, bring whoever, arrive and vamoose whenever… And don’t worry about eating or not – come famished or full – eating is optional, and frankly, the least of the festivities (that’s not say the food isn’t good—it’s actually great).

  • Topics of conversation will vary as they will at any gathering of geeks, but many of us will be talking about AJAX, mash-ups, start-ups, new devices, innovative business models, interaction design, social computing, digital art, web services, etc. etc. etc.

  • Food and beverages are for sale at the adjoining Taqueria Pacifica and bar.

  • There is WiFi so bring your connected device of choice.
  • Update Brian will give a brief report from his visit to last weekend’s Maker Faire.

41 Responses to “May Geek Dinner Wed. the 23rd 5:30-9pm Featuring a First Look at BatchBlue’s BatchBook”

  1. Jack Templin
    May 18th, 2007 10:47

    The rumor is that they are giving out their BatchBlue brand of coffee too. I’m there.

  2. Jeff Yan
    May 18th, 2007 11:07

    This sounds great! I’ll be there.

  3. Alex
    May 18th, 2007 11:17

    See you there.

  4. kathryn
    May 18th, 2007 11:35

    oh no! that is the same night as the boston flash platforms user group, so i will miss it.

  5. matt fair
    May 18th, 2007 12:23

    sounds great, i’m in!

  6. matt fair
    May 18th, 2007 12:28

    Sounds great! I’m in.

  7. Richard Stang
    May 18th, 2007 14:02

    Sign me up.

  8. Sara Streeter
    May 18th, 2007 15:39

    Great topic – I’m interested in ex-Amazonians :)

  9. Sara Streeter
    May 18th, 2007 15:40

    Great topic. I’ll be there.

  10. Charlie Kroll
    May 18th, 2007 15:42

    Looking forward to it.

  11. David Durand
    May 18th, 2007 17:08

    I expect to be there again.


  12. Dan
    May 19th, 2007 15:19

    I’m in

  13. Fred Thurber
    May 20th, 2007 21:10

    I’m in.

  14. Matt Gillooly
    May 21st, 2007 02:02

    Yup yup.

  15. Eric Krause
    May 21st, 2007 08:48

    I’m there

  16. Uko
    May 21st, 2007 09:24

    We’ll be there

  17. Allan Tear
    May 21st, 2007 09:25

    bummed, i’m out of town. have a burrito for me !

  18. Rick S.
    May 21st, 2007 09:57

    You betcha!

  19. Andrew Gilmartin
    May 21st, 2007 10:20

    See y’all there.

  20. Joseph Pusztai
    May 21st, 2007 14:10

    I hope to attend.

  21. Andrew Shearer
    May 21st, 2007 16:09

    Looking forward to it.

  22. Ted Ives
    May 21st, 2007 19:55

    See you there

  23. Steve P
    May 22nd, 2007 09:42

    I’m in

  24. Jason Wadsworth
    May 22nd, 2007 15:24

    Add another one to the list.

  25. Brian
    May 22nd, 2007 17:11

    See you all there!

  26. Adam
    May 22nd, 2007 21:10

    Count me in!

  27. Doug
    May 22nd, 2007 22:12

    I’m planning to be there.

  28. Adam Darowski
    May 23rd, 2007 09:38

    I’ll be there as well…

  29. Charlie
    May 23rd, 2007 10:33

    I’ll be there… later.

  30. Susan B.
    May 23rd, 2007 11:51

    Hope to be there! It sounds like a good time.

  31. Harry Johnson
    May 23rd, 2007 12:00

    Looking forward to the event!

  32. Kipp
    May 23rd, 2007 12:15

    I’ll be there.

  33. Anonymous
    May 23rd, 2007 13:01

    see ya

  34. BatchBlog » BatchBook at Providence Geek Dinner
    May 23rd, 2007 13:02

    [...] some future plans to attendees of the Providence Geeks meeting at the AS220 in Providence. From the Providence Geeks site: At next week’s Geek Dinner, find out how a local entrepreneur assembled a team of 4 [...]

  35. Peter O.
    May 23rd, 2007 13:29

    I plan on being there.

  36. John Ht
    May 23rd, 2007 13:39

    I will be there

  37. John H
    May 23rd, 2007 13:41

    I will be there

  38. Rhode Island’s Future » Providence Geeks
    May 23rd, 2007 14:15

    [...] much going on tonight! Tonight is also the monthly meeting of the info-tech social club The Providence Geeks. …find out how a local entrepreneur assembled a team of 4 ex-Amazonians in the “Biggest [...]

  39. BatchBlog » Our Own Video from the Providence Geek Dinner
    May 30th, 2007 22:39

    [...] of BatchBlue ran around the Providence Geek Dinner with her little video camera. She put her iMovie skillz to work and put together this excellent [...]

  40. Traces of Inspiration » Blog Archive » A Pair of Videos From Our BatchBook Demo
    May 30th, 2007 22:50

    [...] Wednesday at the Providence Geek Dinner, Pamela and Sean of BatchBlue demoed the pre-beta version of our upcoming product, BatchBook. [...]

  41. yahoo mail alerts mobile sign free
    October 22nd, 2007 22:09

    yahoo mail alerts mobile sign free…

    yahoo mail alerts mobile sign free…

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