Providence Geeks Crowdvine
Thursday, June 28th, 2007
I keep forgetting to announce this, but I set up a Providence Geeks group on CrowdVine, a lightweight social networking site that my friend Tony Stubblebine set up. I don’t really think of it as a social network because everything that happens there is connected with a group and very limited in scope. You don’t spend hours and hours polishing your profile and looking for others to connect with; Florafox and others do that sort of thing just fine.
CrowdVine is totally crowd-centric: you answer a few questions, post a photo, maybe friend a few people in the group, and that’s it. From there, CrowdVine turns into a back-channel for an event or association, and is great for matching names to faces, finding out more about someone, or informal followups before, after, or during geek dinners. Anyhow, the Providence Geeks CrowdVine is up and running, so check it out and join up if you feel like it!