September Geek Dinner - Wed. the 24th 5:30-9pm @ AS220 featuring Shape Up the Nation
Posted on September 18th, 2008 by Jack
Photo Credit: Bret A. Ancowitz, M.D. of Garris Photography
Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 5:30 – 9pm
AS220, 115 Empire Street, Providence, RI
FREE (buy your own food and drink – it’s cheap)
Welcome back, everyone! After our August hiatus, Providence Geeks returns next week with what promises to be an excellent time.
Providence-based Shape Up The Nation is the leading provider of team-based corporate wellness programs to large corporations. At the September Geek Dinner, Chief Fit-Technician Brad Weinberg will be presenting an overview of their start-up and launching a preview of its wellness “social-networking” functionality. The company takes a fundamentally different approach to health improvement by harnessing the power of trusted social networks in companies to motivate individuals to improve their health. Since winning the Rhode Island Business Plan competition in 2007, the company has launched its first product, TeamUp, successfully to over 60 clients in the US, Canada, and Europe. Come to this month’s Providence Geek Dinner to see the future of wellness and you might just find another “Geek” to swim, bike, run with…
Click here to view a recent CBS feature story on Shape Up The Nation.
Click here to view a PBN interview with Brad
Please RSVP in the comments section of this post so that we can give the good folks at AS220 an estimated headcount. And while you’re at it, subscribe to Providence Geeks’ RSS feed (see sidebar) and/or join our very-low-volume email announcement list (for the announcement list, send an email to Jack Templin, jtemplin over at Gmail with your name and affiliation).
As always, for first-timers here are the details on the Geek Dinners:
- The event itself is FREE! Beverages and food are for sale at the adjoining bar and Taqueria Pacifica (delicious and cheap)
- It’s totally casual. Wear whatever, bring whoever, arrive and take off whenever! And don’t worry about eating or not – come famished or full – eating is optional, and frankly, the least of the festivities (that’s not say the food isn’t good – it’s actually great)
- Topics of conversation will vary as they will at any gathering of geeks, but many of us will be talking about AJAX, mash-ups, start-ups, new devices, innovative business models, interaction design, social computing, digital art, web services, etc. etc. etc.
- There is Wi-Fi so bring your connected device of choice.