R.I. Wireless Innovation Networks Town Hall, June 21
Posted by Brian
[Update: you can read all about the event now. Providence Geeks coverage: Part I, Part II. Also, here is Matt Guilford’s excellent summary.]
5pm – 6pm, Wednesday, June 21
115 Empire Street, Providence, RI
Providence Geeks is delighted to announce the first in what we hope becomes a regular series of town hall meetings. We have invited representatives of the RI-WINS project to offer some background and details on their amazing endeavor.
The RI-WINS project was launched by the Business Innovation Factory “to create a statewide, border-to-border, wireless broadband network that breaks down barriers to innovation, improves interoperability among new products and technologies, and establishes Rhode Island as an ideal place to explore and test new business models.” For more information, see the RI-WINS web site.
Speakers include:
- Bob Panoff, RI-WINS Program Director
- Donald Stanford, Chair of the Business Innovation Factory and President of Stanford Scientific
- Tracy Emerton Williams, Rhode Island’s Chief Information Officer
The RI-WINS Town Hall is open to the public, and will start at 5pm on Wednesday, June 21 at AS220 (115 Empire Street, Providence, RI) and end at 6pm. The speakers will present short talks on their involvement in and perspective on the RI-WINS project, and will then field questions from attendees. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Jepson (bjepson AT gmail DOT com) or leave a comment below.
June 13th, 2006 11:10
[...] I’ve been organizing a Town Hall-style event for Providence Geeks. It goes down next week: Wednesday June 21 at AS220, from 5pm to 6pm. Representatives of the RI-WINS project will be on hand to brief people on this effort, and will be taking questions from the public. It’s open to the public, so come on down and find out what’s going to be happening in a 5GHz channel near you! [...]