
Pam O’Hara of BatchBlue at Providence Geeks

Posted by Brian

Pam O’Hara and Sean Ransom spoke about BatchBlue to an well-fed and enthusiastic crowd at the May 2007 geek dinner. Attendees got to hear about BatchBlue’s innovative take on contact management systems, and anyone who parted with a business card went home with the BatchBlue roast of coffee beans. I interviewed Pam after the talk, and the video is available on YouTube.

Big thanks to Pam, Sean, and all the Providence geeks who turned out for yet another great geek dinner!

2 Responses to “Pam O’Hara of BatchBlue at Providence Geeks”

  1. BatchBlog » Brian Jepson Interviews Pamela at Providence Geek Dinner
    May 29th, 2007 22:29

    [...] Jepson interviewed BatchBlue’s own Pamela O’Hara and posted the video on YouTube (and blogged it on the Providence Geeks [...]

  2. BatchBlue: Blog
    January 11th, 2008 12:51

    [...] good for business. All of our earliest press came directly from folks we hang out with at Providence Geeks. Don’t be [...]

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